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Team Seed • 4 min read

  1. Objectives and Goals Understand the Assignment: Clearly understand the project requirements, grading rubric, and any specific goals set by the instructor. Set Personal Goals: Each team member should set personal learning goals for the project, such as mastering a new programming language or understanding a specific concept deeply.
  2. Planning and Timeline Project Breakdown: Divide the project into manageable tasks and assign them based on roles. Use tools like Trello or Asana for task management. Timeline Creation: Create a timeline with milestones for completing each task. Include buffer time for unforeseen challenges. Regular Check-ins: Schedule weekly meetings to review progress, address challenges, and adjust the timeline as needed.
  3. Communication Communication Tools: Decide on tools for communication (e.g., Slack, Discord) for easy collaboration and to share resources. Open Environment: Foster an open environment where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas and concerns. Conflict Resolution Plan: Agree on a plan for resolving any disagreements or issues that arise to maintain a positive team dynamic.
  4. Execution Start Coding: Begin work on your individual tasks, keeping in mind the overall project goals and timeline. Peer Review: Periodically review each other’s code for feedback and quality assurance. Integration: Regularly integrate pieces of the project to ensure they work together seamlessly.
  5. Finalization and Presentation Final Review and Testing: Thoroughly test the completed project for bugs or issues. Ensure it meets all the assignment requirements. Prepare Presentation: Develop a presentation that outlines the problem solved, the approach taken, challenges faced, and lessons learned. Practice Presentation: Run through the presentation multiple times as a team to ensure smooth delivery.
  6. Reflection and Feedback Self and Peer Evaluation: After the project and presentation, reflect on what was learned and provide feedback to each other.