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Mean_algorithm_ipynb_2_ • 6 min read

layout: post title: Mean Algorithm type: hacks description: algorithm courses: {‘csp’: {‘week’: 2}} permalink: /mean-algorithm —

import sys
from typing import Union

# Define types for mean function, trying to analyze input possibilities
Number = Union[int, float]  # Number can be either int or float type
Numbers = list[Number] # Numbers is a list of Number types
Scores = Union[Number, Numbers] # Scores can be single or multiple 

def mean(scores: Scores, method: int = 1) -> float:
    Calculate the mean of a list of scores.
    Average and Average2 are hidden functions performing mean algorithm

    If a single score is provided in scores, it is returned as the mean.
    If a list of scores is provided, the average is calculated and returned.
    def average(scores): 
        """Calculate the average of a list of scores using a Python for loop with rounding."""
        sum = 0
        len = 0
        for score in scores:
            if isinstance(score, Number):
                sum += score
                len += 1
                print("Bad data: " + str(score) + " in " + str(scores))
        return sum / len
    def average2(scores):
        """Calculate the average of a list of scores using the built-in sum() function with rounding."""
        return sum(scores) / len(scores)

    # test to see if scores is  a list of numbers
    if isinstance(scores, list):
        if method == 1:  
            # long method
            result = average(scores)
            # built in method
            result = average2(scores)
        return round(result + 0.005, 2)
    return scores # case where scores is a single valu

# try with one number
singleScore = 100
print("Print test data: " + str(singleScore))  # concat data for single line
print("Mean of single number: " + str(mean(singleScore)))


# define a list of numbers
testScores = [90.5, 100, 85.4, 88]
print("Print test data: " + str(testScores))
print("Average score, loop method: " + str(mean(testScores)))
print("Average score, function method: " +  str(mean(testScores, 2)))


badData = [100, "NaN", 90]
print("Print test data: " + str(badData))
print("Mean with bad data: " + str(mean(badData)))

Print test data: 100
Mean of single number: 100

Print test data: [90.5, 100, 85.4, 88]
Average score, loop method: 90.98
Average score, function method: 90.98

Print test data: [100, 'NaN', 90]
Bad data: NaN in [100, 'NaN', 90]

An exception has occurred, use %tb to see the full traceback.


/Users/drishyamody/Library/Python/3.11/lib/python/site-packages/IPython/core/ UserWarning: To exit: use 'exit', 'quit', or Ctrl-D.
  warn("To exit: use 'exit', 'quit', or Ctrl-D.", stacklevel=1)